The Force Of Kindness by Sharon Salzberg
Ever wished you could be kinder or more compassionate? I have. Growing up with a big sister for whom kindness came naturally, I had a constant marker for this shortcoming.
Like the nautilus’ shell and the soft-bodied animal within, we grow, expanding into new spaces which fit better. We need support for those times when expansion involves pain, fear, confusion or dissatisfaction. Wisdom Sister Studio was created to help you move forward with clarity, inspiration, creativity and presence by increasing self-connection and access to your inner wisdom.
This inner wisdom builds with an increase in the quality of your self-connection. Through bodywork, listening and our always expanding resources and you will cultivate your inner wisdom which lights your way on.
Ever wished you could be kinder or more compassionate? I have. Growing up with a big sister for whom kindness came naturally, I had a constant marker for this shortcoming.
Time is a funny thing – how it passes slow and fast at the same time, or stops all together. Has it really been five months since I last posted?
Flowing love through the holidays