I never saw a discontented tree. ~ John Muir

This month, let’s make a date with Nature and indulge in the abundance, flexibility and generosity. Be intentional and particular as you design your date. Consider ways to nourish your Being with Nature’s capacity to inspire awe and create calm. Yes, we know Nature has its own intensity and power, as do we. This invitation is to find and remind yourself of Nature’s beauty, awe and calm, as well as those aspects in you.
Plan to spend at least 30 minutes in a nature-rich place you enjoy. The range of location options is wide indeed and geography dependent. In the Land of 10,000 Lakes, where I live, those lakes provide an abundance of water access and rich woods. We also have the mighty Mississippi river and Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake. Personally, water is my favorite nature place. You will find what suits you. It need not be big or wild. You can visit a botanic garden or conservatory or even go to the garden store. Whatever you decide, set your date and nestle in. Find a comfortable seat and connect your feet to the Earth. Close your eyes and turn up your other senses. Allow Nature to bathe you in its many gifts – the song of birds, wind rustling the in the trees, the vibration of our earth under your feet, the smell of the living plants, the buzz of bees or bugs, even the human conversations passing by. Tune into Nature’s rhythms in micro and macro ways – the weather today, the season you are living, the seasons gone by and those to come. Allow marvel in. Don’t let your mind scoot you away to soon. Stay with it. Let your self expand into the all our the Nature you choose.
I expect you will feel amazed and nourished when this short date is over and you will want more. So do it. Book more dates. The time you spend with Nature will cultivate a sense of awe and marvel in your day-to- day life. When we take the time to connect with Nature’s glory, it flows unceasingly – we attune to it. Don’t let the pace of life get in the way of this marveling opportunity. Take time to notice Nature’s constant presence and feel your spirit lift. Here are a couple suggestions for marvel in a moment:
Stop for flowers. The expression “stop and smell the roses” is the call here. This phrase was inspired by the writing of golfer Walter Hagen in his autobiography. He wrote, “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” I encourage you to spend time marveling with flowers. Their colors, scents, textures, and variety are wonders to behold. Flowers connect us to natural beauty and authentic self-expression. No flower is worried about fitting in. Each flower blooms its natural beauty unfettered. So can we.
Moon gaze. Our simple and lovely moon puts on a constant show of beauty and serenity. I suppose it helps that it glows most in the dark sky. Just last night, I stopped my car in a parking lot to gaze and marvel at the moon’s beauty and presence. Such moments are filled with the reminder that we are such a small part of a huge universe. I feel reassured and right-sized in moments like these. Worries fall away when the moon shines so.

Lake walk. Easy for me to say in this Land of 10,000 Lakes. Our lakes here were made by glaciers soooo long ago. I love walking to the center of the lake on a cold winter day knowing that in a few short months, getting to this very location will require a swim or a boat. Such a reminder of the constant change our seasons show encourage me to keep moving, and stay in the flow. Things change.
I hope you will make this date happen. And you can share your experience. by making a comment below, or share a note Facebook or Instagram, or send me a note via the website. I look forward to hearing all about it.

P. S. Enjoy the guided nature meditation on the YouTube channel to bring Nature’s nourishing flow to you at any time.
P.P.S. Special thanks to Elias Maurer and Matthias Kutil for the photos obtained through unsplash.com.