What triggers your happiness?

I spend a lot of time focusing on what is wrong. Solving problems is common whether I am in the bodywork studio or working with consulting clients. Though in Wisdom Listening sessions, trouble is typically a part of the initial conversation but it shifts. And, I am not a solver in these sessions. I am a holder of space and provider of care and curiosity to help clients find their way, their light, their inner wisdom all of which leads to more happiness.

Our over-culture survives on problems and the finders of big solutions are heralded. We’ve seen amazing innovation come about; from chip clips to iPhones. We are a lucky lot. Yet we seem to find our way back to what’s wrong no matter the luck. Let’s change that.

What makes you happy and how can you spend more time basking in the spaces where the world feels good?

To help you get started, I am sharing three ways to bring forth your happiness triggers – a happiness practice for the next week:

  1. Upon waking each day, before rising from bed, name three things that make you happy.
  2. For one day, commit to seeking happiness triggers. Take note of how the day flows and how much you smile.
  3. Take a dancing break once each day using this song by Pharrell Williams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM.

Remember the goodness that flows in life. Let me know how it goes. Be wise in your focus and raise your vibe. Enjoy!
