Hope in the Light

Our recent turn into Winter also marks the return of the light for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. I live in Minnesota where Winter shines in snow and cold. I see the increasing light as a reassuring reminder that we are twirling through the Universe on our way to Spring, so enjoy […]

Snow Signals

I live in Minnesota, happily, and we received about six inches of fresh snow yesterday. Yes, snow brings certain hassles but it also settles in like a comforting blanket of beauty and quiet for our dark days of this season. Winter is like nature’s call to slow down, snuggle in, nurture your depths and allow […]

Shaking to transform stress to vital life energy

I hope you all will enjoy this amazing way to clear stress from your body and being. I share this often with clients to help shift energy and restore vitality. Life can be so challenging and this method, beautifully demonstrated, fosters well-being. Enjoy!

May Sarton’s poem for your self-reflection….enjoy.

Now I become myself Now I become myself. It’s takenTime, many years and places;I have been dissolved and shaken,Worn other people’s faces,Run madly, as if Time were there,Terribly old, crying a warning,“Hurry, you will be dead before—”(What? Before you reach the morning?Or the end of the poem is clear?Or love safe in the walled city?)Now […]

…until they can love themselves again.

“When someone is suffering, sick or dying they can often feel unloveable. That’s how it was for me when I was sick.The healing work then, beyond all skillful interventions is this: Love them, just love them until they can love themselves again.” ~ Frank Ostaseski from The Five Invitations I need say no more. Bessings, […]

Aikido Inspiration

I’ve been thinking about this TedX talk for some weeks now. It’s from 2013 and about the time I went looking for Aikido training. I found this teacher. He’s local to me and wise about Aikikdo. This talk is filled with lots of experiential exercises with potent ideas for calm and strength. I love how […]

Loving Kindness Meditation

I first heard about this practice in the early 1990’s. I was listening to a book on tape by Pema Chodron, a wise and present American divorcee turned Buddhist nun. I’d just started listening to her wise words and this practice seemed weird. Later, I would, via the counsel of Sharon Salzberg and Sylvia Boorstein, […]

Soothing Self

I needed an official definition for the word “soothing” this morning. Life has intensified in the past six weeks and  I’ve needed more soothing to care well for myself.  And, I see myself choosing options that are long term detriments – junky food, sleep, and hibernation. In clearer moments, I seek soothing in more balanced […]

Breathing to Energize

I am usually helping clients find relaxation. This week, I had several clients who wanted to bolster their energy without increasing the coffee consumption. So in this post, I am sharing two breathing practices designed to energize. Be sure to practice when you have hours before you sleep or you’ll be tossing and turning. First […]

Give your feet a treat

Two weeks ago, my feet hurt. I’d walked too far in some not-great shoes and was suffering for it. I googled “Foot Yoga” and found this gem: It’s amazing. I’ve been recommending it to clients ever since so decided I would post it here. I only did the first twenty minutes but felt the amazing […]