Unplug for self-care

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes… including you.” ~Anne Lamott, American novelist and nonfiction writer Seasonal change is a great time to “unplug” and connect with your wisdom self, your deep self. Checking in like this creates clarity as you move in your daily life. And, it does […]

Life’s Twists and Turns

Time is a funny thing – how it passes slow and fast at the same time, or stops all together. Has it really been five months since I last posted? Well, yes, it has. A fog rolled in late in December disguised as my mother’s deathbed. This was her second visit here in six months. […]

Let Nature Nurture You

I never saw a discontented tree. ~ John Muir This month, let’s make a date with Nature and indulge in the abundance, flexibility and generosity. Be intentional and particular as you design your date. Consider ways to nourish your Being with Nature’s capacity to inspire awe and create calm. Yes, we know Nature has its […]

Autumn’s Invitation to Let Go

The season of Fall is upon us. Here in the north, our trees show how beautiful letting go can be. Bursting forth in color, they honor what is ending with grace and the flutter of their leaves to the ground. Time in the forests is magical this time of year and provides inspiration for our […]

Convergence & Refuge

Today, I intended to buckle down! The task list was clear and prioritized with long overdue items. And now it’s nearly 4pm and I am only 10% in. I have been at my desk since 10am. Resistance and twirling prevail despite my clear intentions. I brought myself back to task over and over again yet […]

What triggers your happiness?

I spend a lot of time focusing on what is wrong. Solving problems is common whether I am in the bodywork studio or working with consulting clients. Though in Wisdom Listening sessions, trouble is typically a part of the initial conversation but it shifts. And, I am not a solver in these sessions. I am […]

Restoring connection

I am always surprised when churning dark thoughts arrive in my mind as they did in the wee hours  of this morning. Not only is my mind churning with self-decimating words, my stomach hurts and my body braces. It feels horrible and I typically forget to keep ‘em moving, they are only thoughts, and like […]

Hope in the Light

Our recent turn into Winter also marks the return of the light for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. I live in Minnesota where Winter shines in snow and cold. I see the increasing light as a reassuring reminder that we are twirling through the Universe on our way to Spring, so enjoy […]

Snow Signals

I live in Minnesota, happily, and we received about six inches of fresh snow yesterday. Yes, snow brings certain hassles but it also settles in like a comforting blanket of beauty and quiet for our dark days of this season. Winter is like nature’s call to slow down, snuggle in, nurture your depths and allow […]